Essential Questions

  • How do we define the term "Monster"? How do we react to and/or interact with Monsters in our society?
  • If truth is difficult to prove in history, does it follow that all versions are equally acceptable?
  • In what ways might social, political, cultural and religious factors affect the types of human science research that are financed and undertaken, or rejected?
  • Is science, or ought it to be, value free? What implications does your answer have for the regulation of science? Considering the fight over Intelligent Design vs. Evolution (as well as Research Scandals), who should decide whether particular directions in research are pursued?
  • Is mathematics invented or discovered?
  • Picasso said, "Art is a Lie That Tells the Truth." Considering our reading of Grendel, to what extent do you agree with that statement?
  • To what extent do the different ways of knowing and areas of knowledge influence the values adopted by individuals and societies?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Grendel Ch. 6 & 7

November 30
Please answer questions on your blog by December 2.

Considering what happens to both Grendel and Unferth in Chapter 6, why do you think the Chapter begins with the line: "Nothing was changed, everything was changed." Why do you think Skepticism defines this chapter?

In Chapter 7, Grendel states that "My enemies define themselves (as the dragon said) on me." Considering what we have studied about Monsters and 'The Other', do you agree with Grendel? In your opinion, does Wealtheow represent a Christ figure? Provide specific examples to support your claims. Where is the sign of Libra found in Chapter 7?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Pescribed Title #2

November 24

Please continue to research your FINAL ToK question by looking at the national Public Radio website.Just click on link:

Research should be posted to your blog on November 25.


November 20

Please post the answers to the three questions on Karl Popper from the packet article entitled: Who Says Science is About Facts?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Social Sciences

November 13

Please respond to the question after reading the first chapter of Freakanomics:

In what ways might social, political, cultural and religious factors affect the types of human science research that are financed and undertaken, or rejected?

How might your group have responded to the crime issue of the 1990s? How would they have reacted to the findings?

Please post the response on your blog.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Prescribed Title #1

November 10
Please select ONE Question from the May 2009 Prescribed Titles .

Then, please research your question by looking at The Christian Science Monitor Website.

Just click on link:

Research should be posted to your blog on November 16.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Social Sciences

November 4

Please post the Diamond Questions and the Abel Outline to your blog this week.